5:00 PM17:00

Legislative Reception

  • Kitsap Golf and Country Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The in-person legislative reception includes time for socializing with a “happy hour” as well as engaging with a panel of legislators and congressmembers who currently represent the Kitsap Peninsula. KRCC members and other local elected officials will have an opportunity to ask panelists questions relevant to KRCC’s work in transportation and land use planning.

Please RSVP here: There will be a $45 reception fee for non-panelists that can be paid by sending a request for an invoice from Zak Ott:

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3:00 PM15:00

Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) TransPOL Meeting

Meeting for the Transportation Policy Committee (TransPOL).

Open to the public. Bill Mahan conference room located in the north end of the terminal building at Bremerton National Airport, 8850 SW State Hwy 3, Bremerton WA 98312.

Participation information and meeting materials will be available closer to the meeting date.

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5:00 PM17:00

Legislative Orientation and Reception

The Legislative Orientation for Newly and Currently Elected Officials (5:00-6:00) will include updates from the Association of Washington Cities (AWC), the Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC), and other lobbyists to help prepare for the 2024 WA State Legislative Session.

The annual KRCC Legislative Reception (6:00-8:00) will include a panel discussion with state legislators, US members of Congress, and a representative from the Governor’s Office (panelists not confirmed). There will also be time for networking and enjoying heavy appetizers. Please RSVP here: There will be a $45 reception fee for non-panelists that can be paid by sending a request for an invoice from Zak Ott:

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12:30 PM12:30

Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) Board Meeting

Meeting of the KRCC Board.

Open to the public.

Note that this meeting will be recorded via Bremerton Kitsap Access Television (BKAT).

To participate: 

  • This meeting will be held IN-PERSON at Norm Dicks Government Center Chambers at 345  6th Street, Bremerton, WA 98337. 

    • Board members are encouraged to attend in person, but may attend remotely if needed.

    • Members of the public may attend in person or remotely depending on their individual preference.

  • To participate in the video conference remotely and view the screen share: If you are joining by video, please add your affiliation after your name. 

  • To participate by phone only: Dial 253 215 8782 and enter the Webinar ID: 882 7837 8408 

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1:30 PM13:30

Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) PlanPOL Meeting

Meeting for the Land Use Policy Committee (PlanPOL).

Open to the public.

To participate in the Zoom Webinar:

  • Link to the video conference and view the screen share: If you are joining by video, please add your affiliation after your name.

  • To participate by phone only: Dial 253-215-8782 and enter the Webinar ID: 868 8511 6722

  • To participate in/view webinar in person: The webinar will be streamed in Chambers at the Norm Dicks Government Center at 345 6th Street, Bremerton, WA 98337.

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12:30 PM12:30

Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) PlanPOL Meeting

Meeting for the Land Use Policy Committee (PlanPOL).

Open to the public.

To participate in the Zoom Webinar:

  • Link to the video conference and view the screen share: If you are joining by video, please add your affiliation after your name.

  • To participate by phone only: Dial 253-215-8782 and enter the Webinar ID: 868 8511 6722

  • To participate in/view webinar in person: The webinar will be streamed at Bainbridge Island City Hall’s Council Conference Room: 280 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110.

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12:30 PM12:30

Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) Board Meeting/Study Session

Meeting of the KRCC Board and Land Use Technical Advisory Committee.

Open to the public.

This meeting will be held primarily in person with virtual options.

In-Person option: Norm Dicks Government Center Chambers, 345 6th Street, Bremerton, WA 98337

Virtual option (if needed):

·   To participate in the video conference remotely and view the screen share: If you are joining by video, please add your affiliation after your name. 

·   To participate by phone only: Dial 253 215 8782 and enter the Webinar ID: 882 7837 8408 

Note that this meeting will be recorded via Bremerton Kitsap Access Television (BKAT).

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