KRCC Transportation Policy Committee (TransPOL) Meeting Materials
The Transportation Policy Committee (TransPOL) includes representatives from each of the KRCC member agencies and representatives from the Puget Sound Regional Council. TransPOL meets approximately bi-monthly during transportation funding competition years and approximately quarterly during non-transportation funding competition years. TransPOL makes recommendations to the full KRCC Board for review and action. For a current list of TransPOL members, see the KRCC Board and Committee Members roster in the Quick Links sidebar.
2025 Meeting Agendas and Summaries
February 20 - Agenda and packet
2024 Meeting Agendas and Summaries
October 17 - Agenda and packet, summary
May 30th - Agenda and packet
April 18 - Agenda and packet, Summary
March 21 - Agenda and packet, Summary
January 18 - Agenda and packet, Summary
2023 Meeting Agendas and Summaries
October 19 - Agenda and packet, Summary
June 15 - Canceled
March 16 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
2022 Meeting Agendas and Summaries
October 20 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
June 2 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
April 21 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
March 17 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
February 17 (canceled)
January 20 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
2021 Meeting Agendas and Summaries
November 18 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
September 16 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
May 20 (canceled)
February 18 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
2020 Meeting Agendas and Summaries
November 19 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
Presentation: PSRC Transportation Work Program Updates
August 20 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
June 18 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
May 28 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
Presentation: Regional Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)/Signals Inventory, PSRC
March 19 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
Countywide Presentations:
Winslow to Eagledale Bicycle Improvements
Blakely to Lynwood
Rolling Bay Bicycle & Ped Improvements
Kitsap Way - Northlake Way to SR3
6th Street Preservation - Phase 3 Naval Ave to Warren Ave
SR 104 Realignment - Kingston Phase 1
SR 104 Realignment - Kingston Phase 2
STO - Port Gamble Trail A, B, & D
Fairgrounds Road Complete Streets
North STO Trail Planning Study
County Paver Bundle
SR 16 Park & Ride
Port Orchard Transit Center
Gateway Center
Airport Industrial Way Phase 2-2
Noll Corridor - North Segment
2019 Meeting Agendas and Summaries
October 17 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
July 18 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
April 18 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
Rural Town Centers and Corridors Projects submitted by Kitsap Jurisdictions
2018 Meeting Agendas and Summaries
Sept. 20 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
June 21 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
May 31 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
Apr. 19 - Agenda and Packet, Summary
Mar. 15 - Agenda and Packet; Summary
Feb. 15 - Agenda and Packet; Summary
Jan. 18 (cancelled)