The Transportation Policy Committee (TransPOL) includes representatives from each of the KRCC member agencies and representatives from the Puget Sound Regional Council. TransPOL meets approximately bi-monthly during transportation funding competition years and approximately quarterly during non-transportation funding competition years. TransPOL makes recommendations to the full KRCC Board for review and action. For a current list of TransPOL members, see the KRCC Board and Committee Members roster in the Quick Links sidebar.

2025 Meeting Agendas and Summaries

February 20 - Agenda and packet

2024 Meeting Agendas and Summaries

2023 Meeting Agendas and Summaries

2022 Meeting Agendas and Summaries

2021 Meeting Agendas and Summaries

2020 Meeting Agendas and Summaries

2019 Meeting Agendas and Summaries

2018 Meeting Agendas and Summaries

  1. Bainbridge Island: Bucklin Hill Road Phase 2

  2. Bainbridge Island: Eagle Harbor Drive Phase

  3. Bainbridge Island: Madison Sidewalk Improvements

  4. Bremerton: 6th Street Preservation Phase 2

  5. Bremerton: Washington & 11th Improvements

  6. Kitsap County: Bethel Burley Road Culvert

  7. Kitsap County: Central Valley Road

  8. Kitsap County: Markwick Trail

  9. Kitsap County: National STEM School

  10. Kitsap County: Olalla Valley Road

  11. Kitsap County: Ridgetop Mickelberry to Myhre

  12. Kitsap Transit: Gateway Bus Storage Facility and Park

  13. Kitsap Transit: SR 16 Park & Ride

  14. Kitsap Transit: SR 104 and Bond Park & Ride

  15. Kitsap Transit: SR 166 Park & Ride Expansion

  16. Port Orchard: Bay St. Pedestrian Pathway West Situational

  17. Poulsbo: Fjord Drive Preservation

  18. Poulsbo: SR 305 Tunnel