The Land Use Technical Advisory Committee (LUTAC) meets regularly to share information, develop proposed policy recommendations for review by the KRCC's Executive Board and individual members, and collaborate on more efficient ways to provide services to residents throughout Kitsap County. LUTAC meetings 4-6 times per year and provides recommendations to the Land Use Planning Policy Committee. For a current list of LUTAC members, see the KRCC Board and Committee Members roster in the Quick Links sidebar.

2024 LUTAC Meetings

2023 LUTAC Meetings

2022 LUTAC Meetings

2021 LUTAC Meetings

2020 LUTAC Meetings

2019 LUTAC Meetings

2018 LUTAC Meetings

For Land Use Committee packets and summaries from 2015-2017, visit the KRCC Land Use archives.
For meeting materials or summaries from 1992-2014, please contact